Talking at Bristech 2018

(updated to add some additional links and picture)

As some of you will already know (some of you were there) I recently gave a talk at the Bristech 2018 conference in Bristol on Consistent Security Controls through Center for Internet Security Benchmarks.

The talk (as well as the other 17 talks from the day) are now live on the Bristech YouTube channel - so I thought I would write a quick post on the event and share the video of my talk (you can follow along with the slides here).

Bristech Prop.jpg

I was a little unwell on the day (not helped by a hotel who had never heard of curtains blocking out street lights!), but even so it was great to be part of the event and to attend some of the other talks.

In particular, I really enjoyed @euanallen and @aemylt’s talk on Quantum Computing and @neilmaddog’s discussion of OAUTH2. I am really looking forward to catching up on some of the talks I had to miss during the event, including @sublimino on Service Mesh Network Security.

Bristech 2018 is a full day, semi annual (it was last held in 2016) technology conference organized by the @bristech Meetup group, and this year was held at the Bristol Watershed - with 18 talks across a broad range of Technology and IT subjects.

The 2019 conference is already being organized. And in the meantime, you can also attend the monthly Bristech Meetup group. Most months the group has two (roughly 30-45 min) talks on Computing or Technology subjects followed by Pizza, Beer and networking.

I previously spoke at Bristech on What is this Internet Thing Anyway? in 2017 (you can find the slides for that talk here) and try to attend whenever I can - I love that Bristech has such a broad range of talks. They’re almost always really well presented and informative, and help take us out of our individual silos and specialist areas a little bit - seeing what other people in tech are doing.

Hope to see you at a Bristech meetup soon… meanwhile, I shall get back to working on the updated CIS Juniper Benchmark - if you’re JUNOS genius, come join us and help with the Consensus process.

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